Perform with Pitch & Pulse Productions
Over the past number of years, Pitch & Pulse has developed a fabulous Musical Youth Theatre group. Performing a number of musicals in both the Bog Lane Theatre and The Bridgeways Centre in Ballymahon.
Our productions tend to be variations on a theme as our focus is gather the gang together get everyone on stage, performing. Our lead times are tight but our priority is always that everyone gets a part and everyone gets on stage.
Because of the tight turnaround our scripts are loosely based on the theme – choosing popular stories and adding our own twist to them.
Shows have included, Cinderella, Bugsy Malone, Peter Pan, Shrek! and of course a traditional Nativity.
Pitch & Pulse shows are open to any age from 8 years upwards, but our Christmas Nativity plays are for National School age only – our Senior actors help out as crew and make-up.
The Pitch & Pulse Summer Camp is an intense week of line-learning, singing, stage direction and fun! When the cast try and pull together a production of whichever musical we have selected.