In-person Exams
As the RIAM Winter Exam sitting comes to a close Ardagh Music Room has not only finished uploading exam recordings but, for the first time since Winter 2019 we had in person exam entrants!
We had a small number of students opt to remain submitting online entries but the majority chose to sit the in person exam. There was quite a bit of excitement as possibly there weren’t enough entries from Longford, but we were informed the exams would take place in King House, Boyle.
This generated a little bit of piano envy on my part as I know King House has a rather fabulous Steinway Grand.
So on Tuesday, 23rd three Grade I, one Grade IV, two Grade V, a Grade VI and an Intermediate Recital student all headed off to Boyle for their exams – with one early-bird mammy sneaking a quick photo in! Some headed back to school, stopping for a quick hot chocolate, as recommended by the examiner. Others making a day of it and heading on to Sligo for a quick surfing session!
Well done everyone – maybe we’ll make King House our preferred option for exam sittings so everyone can make a day of it – and experience the fabulous piano!