Barry Stores. 🧵
Today I called into Barry Stores to visit Kelly, ask her to sew a seam up for me and to collect a lovely Summery mask for a garden event I’m heading to celebrating the completion of the Grade-1-a-thon.

Kelly is busy making memory quilts, bunting & bears, and the must-have facemask with a clothes rack full of items for repair, adjustment and that stitch in time!
I asked Kelly to repair my jacket where the seam had started to fray – a quick job that took two minutes and she did while I waited. A few weeks ago I asked her to repair a dome-tent I’d bought second hand – it was ready the next day!
Did you know Kelly made my wedding dress and she worked with Nora-May in designing their bridesmaid dresses? Nora-May had decided she wanted a dress like Katniss Everdeen’s fire-dress in the Hunger Games – we may not have had flames but they created dresses that met expectations – the longer skirt was separate to the dress so it was a short dress for the evening…
The wedding dresses weren’t the first creations made in collaboration with my children and Kelly. She been working with Eliza for many years – feeding the now fully-fledged cos-player. Regularly Kelly would be called upon because we urgently needed a cape! (Yes, that’s the skirt from the bridesmaid dress completing outfit one!)
Both Nora-May and Eliza had the benefit of Kelly’s childrens sewing lessons – Harry may well be having some too when we get back to hands-on as I know she’s a great help to those doing Home Ec!
In 2016 we had the idea of putting on a Nativity Play in Ardagh under the Ardagh Music Room which was great fun for us – I think the children enjoyed it too! Kelly produced school uniforms, shepherds, angels, soldiers, innkeepers and of course Mary & Joseph.
In 2018 we decided to do the whole musical thing again but in The Bog Lane Theatre, Ballymahon. This time Cinderella Rockerfella was our show… with fairies, princesses, animals, rockstars and plenty of townspeople Kelly was busy with costumes!
Then came Bugsy and the glamour of the flappers and menace of the gangsters! That was intense as we put Bugsy on in a week – yes, Kelly had all these costumes together in a week!!
We put on another Nativity in the Bog Lane that Christmas, closely followed by Pantastic! in March. The other thing that happened during Pantastic was The Bog Lane Theatre double booked themselves so we had to find a new venue! Using the Bridgeways Centre – in amongst all of the costumes – Kelly had to make black backdrop curtains – some feat!
I know Kelly felt the costumes in Pantastic were not as bright as they could be so that Summer it was time for SHREK!! Fabulous costumes – fairytale characters galore – again, all put together in a week – amazing!!
Then of course came lockdown and the time of the FACEMASK!
Kelly immediately turned hand to mass production of facemasks for all personalities – of course making designs to meet requirements – such as the bespoke reverse Brownie, Guides and Leaders masks made for our campfire…
Unfortunately, due to lockdown, Nora-May missed out on a KCCreation Debs dress – but there is still plenty of time for that…
And I’m sure Eliza will come up with a fantastical design for Kelly to help her with for her Debs.
So – whether you’re on the N55 or online – swing into Barry Stores or and see what Kelly can create for you!!